Finally, from a place of surrender I’ve never felt before, something slackened. A shift in will occurred that seemed subtle in the moment but whose reverberating results I couldn’t possibly have prepared for. I stopped making decisions based on traditional or common knowledge and am open on a cellular level to receive guidance. Even though I’d been talking about listening to the body and what it authentically desires and noticing the results of decisions you make around diet, exercise, etc, it had remained primarily in the realm of theory until I actually let go. I began communicating with guidance – angels, archangels, microbes, masters, ascendant masters, cellular fairies, goddesses… offering gratitude and humbly asking for clarity and discernment. Until then I still wanted to hold onto control. I didn’t want my life to be too messy or complicated, which was a hilarious contradiction to choosing a Tantric path! Once I began to attune to the subtler cues of what my whole being is actually resonating with right now – food, movement, people, places, etc. – I could feel a difference in the tone of everything. Certain things resonate with the tone of what I need at this moment and others don’t. Some things that resonate right now will not in 2 hours or maybe ever again…it is indeed a surrender to be with what is exactly as it is right now.
And, this is erotic self love...an approach to life where I listen to the erotic energy in my system (now including an innumerable amount of etheric beings combined with a kinesthetic sense of tones) and how it responds to the myriad of possibilities of how to explore this experience of being human. The more I cultivate the willingness to meet what is right now, the more love and life force energy flow...including my field in the pathways receptive to dance with divine currents.
Listening to the cues right now, I am choosing to devote February to cultivating a completely new relationship with my yonih through touch, adoration and attentiveness.