What if all one had to do was bring awareness to every detail, every action, every thought? What would that look like??
What would happen if in the moment the thought “I’m not smart enough“ ran through my mind I could observe the thought from outside my knotted emotional-mental matrix? What if the next time I thought “I can’t afford it” I could be mindful of the emotional reaction that brings up in my body? What if the next time I went to take the 5th huge bite of dessert I could become acutely aware of what my body actually wants?
Mindfulness is an exploration of the automatic actions and reactions in which we are usually so ensnared that we are blinded to the truth of the world surrounding us, our genuine power and connection to everything. Simply by observing a thought, a reaction, an attraction, a repulsion we can actually begin to retrain the way we see and interact with life. And the trick is not to attach to any of it, just notice… and little by little it will begin to come undone all by itself. The key to all this of course is PATIENCE. Notice what is and simply allow it to BE, allow yourself to BE and the ease of doing and acting without forcing or struggling will penetrate your routine.