This is where #MINDFULNESS and experimentation comes in. The journey of life gives us a million opportunities to experiment in this laboratory of life and understand our one of a kind self. As an adult supposedly we are not supposed to #PLAY with our food. But, I utterly encourage playing with what you eat, how much you eat, and how you eat because all of those things affect how you feel post-mealtime. Start taking mental notes on how different foods affect your mood, energy level, digestion, etc and be open to the possibility that each factor as well as your #NUTRITIONAL NEEDS may change on a daily basis depending on life situations. The more in tune you become with your body through mindfulness, meditation, yoga, dance, etc, the more capable you will become to adapt your dietary needs. This will manifest not as a restriction - choosing to give things up you think are 'bad for you' - but as a flowing conversation where your body nudges you towards craving the foods that will bring you into harmony with what your body needs on a daily basis to accomplish what the day brings you.
Give it a try, #PLAY WITH YOUR FOOD!!