Some of the principles we use as a way in to knowing ourselves on all levels and living from union between body and spirit include “Everything is an experiment”, “Tapas & Spanda” and “The healing power of pleasure”. Pleasure in and of itself is ephemeral and the capacity to sense moment to moment authentic desires is supported by the other two, which offer structure to facilitate freedom.
When I approach everything as an experiment, there’s more play, room for error and curiosity in what I choose to engage with. As I’m beginning with the premise of I don’t know what the results will be, I'm more attentive and gather the data as I explore.
Tapas is a word that could mean container/containment or discipline, but I prefer to see it as devotion. I choose something every month to devote my attention to. It’s a way to notice how shifting habits pulls on all the threads in my being and presents the opportunity to reorient towards harmony.
In choosing a tapas two things are enormously important: choose something you’re truly curious about and something you honestly believe you can stay with throughout the time your devoting yourself to do the practice when you set your original intention. From a lot of personal exploration with this I’ve realized that if I flake out and my will fades, my overall confidence in myself, my word and ability to remain true to what I authentically want to experience when confronted with temptations diminishes as well. And, I also know that dependably engaging in what I said I would offers me a loving space that I cherish where I can truly drop into what I desire with no excuses about life being too busy or caving into habits that feel easier or more comfortable.
A couple months ago I devoted myself to do ovarian breathwork six days a week. I didn’t realize how much I’d be challenged to remain faithful to this commitment. I had to get up very early before classes and on days I was traveling a lot. Through my devotion, I dropped deeply into sensing the paradox of how the ovary embodies beingness like nothing else in our anatomy and yet is simultaneously the seat of creative energy in the feminine body. The relationship between two things that I believed were mutually exclusive transformed as I sat every day with how non-doing opens the portal to connect with the emanation from which all creation emerges.
This concept is also related to how Tapas sparks Spanda, which may fortify your resolve to choose and stay with a Tapas. Spanda could be translated as spontaneity or play…it’s the free flow of movement that happens when your conditioned patterns surrender to what is right now. It’s scary to a lot of people because it could invite you to behave in ways that don’t coincide with who you believe you are. The interplay of Tapas and Spanda is creating a container that provides conditions to interrupt patterns you suspect may be interfering with unbound joy.
Tantra is one of very few spiritual traditions that leave nothing outside the circle of "ok to experience". This is one reason why people often have a misconception that Tantrikas are extremists or that Tantra is all about sex. They sit on top of graves, engage in practices that take them to the edges of human consciousness and explore sensuality and sexuality in ways most can barely fathom. There is no scripture saying follow these steps or this set of values. The possibilities are infinite, which is attractive to some and terrifying to others.
My personal experience of Tantra has offered me proposals of how to explore the layers of who I am from many different angles and allow the spiritual and mundane to express their truly interwoven (not separate) nature. This is extremely helpful for anyone who is uncertain if their desires and decisions are truly emerging from an authentic source or if they’re surging from dissonant parts.
The dynamic practices I invite people into when I’m facilitating Tantric events are based on these 3 main principles. Erotic energy is life force energy in its most potent form. Exploring erotic energy within a safe container may spark new pathways that invite flow where stagnation has resided. And there is absolutely a strong belief in Tantra that experiencing pleasure simply to experience pleasure is a big part of where healing happens…no agendas or objectives.