Ease for every person is going to look different. I may look at a woman I met and think wow she has such an easy life…she can manifest a successful, money-making business effortlessly. However, I have no idea what her whole picture is, what she suffered in the past, what her future will look like or why her soul is here. This is why comparing or even sharing techniques on this spiritual path does not always lead to similar results...your path is unique and once you realize that ease is not based on an absolute definition but rather based on your ability to allow WHAT IS and take actions from there, ease will become your dance with life no matter what is going on around you.
There are really 3 essential components to finding ease: let go of control, move towards what you are passionate about and look at the truth of your current situation. The combination of these three things will allow fulfillment to replace feelings of lack and effortlessness will seep into all areas of your life.
I personally find ease and a feeling of freedom most when I surrender control, allow life to be as it is without expectations that life should always coincide with my likes and dislikes. If I don’t get everything done I wanted to because someone arrived to interrupt me, I give thanks for the interaction and that I was able to support that person in some way and then continue with what is in front of me. A lot of anxiety comes from trying to control events before they happen, trying to plan every minute detail of how your day/life will look but how often does that plan turn out exactly as you had imagined? Yes, I know this is easier said than done…but just becoming mindful of how you feel in your mind, body and spirit when you try with all your might to change something that has already happened or is happening welcomes understanding the difference between struggling against the current of your life and letting go into the flow. Now this is not to say that you cannot use your actions to move towards change. However, there is a difference between forcing change to thrust forward towards my objectives and setting up all the pieces of the puzzle to invite change.
Which route do you take to work most days? The fastest, shortest, most scenic? Is it always the same route? Today as I was taking the most direct route to work I was reminded of a drawing a friend recently did for me that is a representation of your destiny path. If you look at the drawing here you can see that there are 2 basic ways to approach life and here I add a third. You can keep doing the same thing over and over (colored circles), staying in your comfort zone OR you can just start moving in a direction. The third option I would add in here is that of thinking you know exactly what you want in this life and always making decisions based on what you believe is the most direct route to get there. However, often the most direct route is not the fastest nor the easiest and in fact it may not even be YOUR route. The most direct route may have a really steep climb that your motor is not really up to quite yet. The most direct route may keep you 100% focused on the goal you defined but not allow you to enjoy the amazing scenery around you, which just might open your spectrum to see that the Universe in fact has a destiny that is much more exciting and fulfilling than the one you yourself were so intent on reaching. So if you choose to start meandering every day towards your passions, keeping your eyes and heart wide open, the Universe will help you course correct as you go. Your passions are like your compass to show you the way, your way.
Bringing light to your habits, patterns and ways of being in the world around money, relationships, work, relaxation, etc is an incredibly powerful way to bring ease into your life because ignoring emotions or material facts eats up and/or blocks a lot of energy. When you look truthfully at your situation around money, you will often find a lot more abundance than lack. For example, I had been ignoring my student loans for many many years essentially with the erroneous belief that they were way too large for me to ever pay off living the style of life I have chosen to live, but their existence was constantly hanging over my head. When I finally began to look at paying off the debt as simply another chore in my life and I looked at the truth of the situation the loans were a lot less than I imagined in my mind and I have already begun putting money towards them and have a plan to pay them off within 2 years. It is the same with many parts of life. In a relationship we often assume things our partner wants or is unhappy about. However, I have found that when I take the time to actually communicate intimately with my partner, the tension on both sides melts by seeing and accepting the truth of what the other wants and needs. Shedding light upon all areas of your life without pressure to get it all done at once, looking at it like a chore around the house, will open mental and emotional energy that you can then dedicate more and more to what you are passionate about and the more you do what you are passionate about the more areas of your life that have been hanging stagnantly in the background will begin to come to light gently knocking to ask if you are ready to release them. This is the snowball effect I have experienced in my life and that has allowed me to feel more ease in all areas of my life..not without some latent struggle, mind you…but moving everyday towards surrendering to how easily life can flow when I let go.
This is a loving metta prayer to find ease. You can simply send the metta prayer to yourself or you can do the full exercise, which will remind you of why you are letting go of control…
Metta prayer for myself
May I feel ease in my body
May I find ease in my work
May I find ease in my relationships
Metta prayer for a loved one, stranger, person you feel has caused you suffering
Repeat 3 times (start with imagining a loved one, then a stranger, then someone you feel has caused you suffering)
May you feel ease in your body
May you find ease in your work
May you find ease in your relationships
Metta prayer for all beings
May we feel ease in our body
May we find ease in our work
May we find ease in our relationships