Today I warmed up and then went into down dog. My bare hands and feet were in direct contact with mother earth and my eyes focused upon the wonderland that I had about 3 inches from my nose. The dew drops seemed magnified into glamorous and shining pearls, the 6 legged insect walking on the blade of grass appeared friendly and the smell of the earth grounded me into the beauty of it all. I began to truly FEEL the vibrance of Mother Gaia beneath me and allow her energy to penetrate me in a way that I have never experienced before. I got the impression that I was absorbing her energy while sharing mine, expanding the love, peace and security she embodies to bring it into this 3D world I inhabit.
Moving into peaceful warrior, I felt a pain in my back. Looking up at the expansive blue-white sky, I was more open to breathe into and through it rather than moving on to the next position. Finally, I moved into forward fold and again had my hands and feet touching the ground but in a reverent way. I felt I was bowing to mother earth and everything she provides. I had a rush of gratitude run through me.
As I moved into easy pose for meditation, I asked myself how many times a day do I actually come into direct contact with mother earth? How often do I even notice the vitality that she offers? Well I personally try to walk barefoot for a little while every day, sometimes hug trees and, when planting, play in the dirt. However, these are limited moments, while the rest of the time I wear shoes to not get dirty, I stay indoors to be productive and I maintain myself at a distance from Mother Gaia as well as from most of my fellow human beings.
I tread on the earth, try to save her from being plundered and live physically within her sphere. But do I actually experience and appreciate her raw existence?
Doing yoga outside in nature is an incredible way to become curious again and open up in a new way. Give it a try and see what questions surge through your being ;)