Wait a minute - are we responable for our own health or not?
The alternative health movement has finally made some progress is distancing us from the doctor/patient model where the citizen puts their health in the hands of a doctor without questioning it. People now very often research their own illness, choose different diets and alternative therapies like massage for prevention and cure of disease. Now this movie - mind you I have only seen the trailer - is going to claim that I am not responsible for choosing what I put in my mouth because the US government is subsidizing companies that produce addictive food. This sounds to me like saying that a drug addict is not responable for sniffing cocaine and that if we cannot convince the government to encourage healthy food this vicious cycle will not end.
Immersing myself into the alternative health scene has made me understand on a deep level that ALL physical illness is a result of emotional dissonance. That is not to say that I eat tons of white bread, candy bars and fast food. I respect my body as a temple of this 3D world. However, I also believe that we should honor that we have many other aspects as well - mental, emotional and spiritual spheres that are much more powerful than our physical body will ever be if allow them to reach that level.
I would love to hear feedback on anyone's experience or anyone who has seen the whole documentary and has comments. I personally feel like the music emananting from our physical body is not solely a result of the FOOD we put into it but into all inputs - beauty, words, experiences, etc. and we have control over how to percieve and manipulate those stimuli ;)