Immersing in the cold water
I do not brace my body
I welcome the experience into my cells
Enveloping the retraction within a vaster mindscape
The mere concept of pleasure
Is distorted through the limited prism
Armoring against anything unknown
Authentic Pleasure’s Playground
Wherein the cells sense the white flag
Releasing only the battle
The constant exhausting conflict
Between control and being
Then, they engorge with freedom
Each particle pulsing within the web
The fluids become meandering rivers
Liberated from the rigidified gel state
The fascia becomes more supple
Lets go and connects again and again
In a dance within all internal structures
The nervous system settles back and in
Honoring its place amongst the unknown
The bones reside as living columns
Their structure serving only to support movement
The honey-dipped coccyx caresses the entire spine
The tongue relaxes into its cozy cave
With no need to be ready and alert to spew righteousness
The stomach alights without secluding its passion
The belly imitates a cuddly puppy
The hearts undirected voluptuous Love
Overflows all holding and gracefully takes the lead
The rib basket releases its cage-like properties
That the lungs may expand effortlessly
Discomfort based defending and have to’s dissipate
Untethered possibilities arise
Being with all parts of life in a relaxed soft aliveness
Even the ones that spark aversion
Even the ones that spark longing
You are only bound by retracting from what IS
You are only free in maintaining a fluid membrane
Pulsing with curiosity