Why am I surrounded by abundance of food, modern comforts, information, etc and yet I constantly feel as though something is missing?
Do you know what fills you up, what makes you feel comfortable, spacious, at home in your own body and mind? Most people in western society are so inundated with ideas, things, energies and information currently that they are completely out of tune with what makes them a unique individual.
I have energy bombarding my body and energetic field from magnetic impulses, radio, cell and TV waves, human heart energy, and more every single second. Because I am not conscious of them, they have no escape route.
The sheer amount of information that most people are exposed to in one day is overwhelming. Many people watch the news, absorb information from social media channels, actively seek information through books, internet research or work. Once this information is taken in what happens to it?
I have access to a wide variety of food every day and throughout the year. The dilemma of choosing what to eat 3 times a day has become a point of anxiety for many people. I have to weigh the costs and prep time of healthy foods versus the delight I receive from things like chocolate cake versus the nutritional value after exercise.
Two conclusions I draw from all of this:
1) Since I am not aware of what actually fulfills me on a deep soul level, I often just stuff my body and mind with whatever I can get my hands on to see if it might take the edge off a little of that nagging feeling that there is something more to this life. However, if I am surrounded by tons of things I think I should have gratitude for, believing that I should feel fulfilled because outside it looks as if I have all the building blocks to a great life, I could live my whole life pretending to be grateful and happy outside while trying to deceive my true self who will always know that I am living to others’ satisfaction, not my own.
2) What comes in wants to flow out. When I consume things I am not actually using in any beneficial manner (the same as with emotions), I am allowing them to build up and pile up and create clutter. How do you feel when you enter a house that has clutter everywhere? If that is what your insides looked like, do you think perhaps that stagnant squished feeling might translate?
So what can I do with this knowledge?
- Consume less on all levels.
- Fasting is an excellent way to allow your body to clear out and heal along with giving you extra time in the day to dedicate to other activities because you don’t have to cook, eat or clean up afterwards. If you are not ready to try fasting, just try to notice before you eat something if your body is truly hungry or if there is a different hole that longs to be filled.
- Turn off electronic devices…create your own digital detox – spend less time watching TV, checking facebook, reading news, etc.
- Consuming less will create more space on all levels to get in touch with what truly satisfies your spiritual hunger. The best way to know what fulfills you on a deeper soul level is to spend time alone and experiment more with doing things that simply make you feel good…with no purpose, no productive use. It is very common to feel uncomfortable when you start to spend time alone…you are beginning to face the you that you have been avoiding by gorging your body and mind with distractions. Set an intention to spend a certain amount of time each day alone and build it up little by little.
- Use what you do consume by getting active with the aspiration to share your special gifts with the world. I recently have been feeling a lot of frustration, with myself, others and the Universe. And I realized that a big part of that frustration comes from me constantly expecting others to support me, others to give me, others to make my life easy whereas I feel much more satiated when I support others, give to others, facilitate others lives. A big part of my ego resists this greatly because I (the ego side of me) am constantly seeking the “easy life”, a life without suffering, a life of happiness. I have always perceived that a life of ease only comes from not working much, taking things as they come and if I have an issue, ignoring it with the hope it will just disappear. The ironic thing is that the truth is the exact opposite. The more active I become in sharing the fruits of who I am, the more vigorously I pursue my passions, the more I support others in their journey, the more vibrant I feel. So rather than having less by giving of myself I feel fuller yet somehow less cluttered.
- Surround yourself with things, people, activities you feel affinity/resonance/chemistry with…it is like floating in water. You are able to float because what is inside is essentially the same as what is outside. If I am surrounded by things that don’t resonate with me it is as though I am being drowned by those things rather than floating in that ambience. The abundance of so much energy that is not my energy, the abundance of so many choices none of which are the things I am passionate about, the abundance of so much information that may truly be irrelevant to me is in fact diluting the things, people and activities that would truly fulfill me.
- Accept who you are and what you have at this moment. This is not to say you cannot dream, but rather than constantly feeling lack, begin appreciating and utilizing what you do have to the max…apply what you learn, eat to nourish your body (savor it also) and actively seek to support others rather than complaining that no one supports you (and if you are one of those people that gives and gives, begin supporting yourself with self-care).