The ideal conditions to do this liver cleanse are the following:
» Digestion should be functioning well in the weeks leading up to the cleanse and
at least the week of the cleanse.
» If at all possible you should have a lot of down time during the cleanse, the whole
week if possible and if not at least the 2 days of purging.
» A woman should not be menstruating.
» If there are any traumas going on in your life, you should wait until they calm
» Seek guidance.
» Set an intention!
Experts say that your digestive function should be overall in good working order before venturing on a liver cleanse. I have had digestive issues for many years that still come and go and one of the reasons I chose to do this cleanse is that I had not been feeling that my digestive system was in top working order. Thus, to prepare my body I began a relatively strict diet that was practically vegan and gluten free for 2 weeks before beginning the cleanse and ate primarily easily digestible foods (ie warm well cooked foods). This process did help my digestive function to some extent but I still felt a little turmoil in my abdomen when I began, which I am sure was primarily emotional.
When cleansing the body, it is a great time to cleanse the mind and spirit as well. If you can take a few days off of work or even the full week and go on a retreat, that is ideal. However, in my case I chose to do the cleanse at a moment I felt I needed it even though I actually had a hectic week at work and could only get Sunday off. That said, I did meditate more in the weeks leading up to the cleanse and I tried to avoid stressful situations as much as possible.
A woman in general should avoid activities that put stress on the body while menstruating. Although possible to cleanse while menstruating, it taxes the body considerably. I had started drinking the apple juice and preparing everything to do the cleanse and had to put everything on pause for a week to respect this feminine cycle.
I have been feeling a lot of energy moving in my life for several weeks now, like my being is ready to let go of something but there is resistance. I received a very intense healing therapy on Friday morning that helped me see clearly what I needed to let go of. The therapist recommended I not do the cleanse because the therapy I received is like a spiritual surgery. I choose here to go against this advice, instead choosing to honor my own curiosity and drive to get past this. But, I do not necessarily recommend this, see below why.
A cleanse can be done on your own. I suggest at least communicating with someone who has done it before even if they are not an expert. Having an expert guide you smoothes out the need to navigate the technicalities while also trying to focus on what your body and soul need. I had some help and guidance from Leonardo Cordero, an Ayurvedic Consultant. He gave me the information of when to do what and encouraged me in certain areas that I had not considered with my first cleanse. Below I adapted the schedule Leonardo suggests for this kind of cleanse and if you would like further guidance please visit his website at www.lifeenjoyer.com.

This liver cleanse, as it was combined with the intense therapy I had the day before, was ground shaking. Last year my cleanse made me feel tired and a little out of it. However, this year I actually had to call in to work 2 days straight because I couldn’t leave my house and thereafter did not feel like myself again for almost 2 weeks. There were a lot of variables involved in making this happen and I don’t think it is at all the norm but I share this information because if you go into the cleanse with a strong intention, the experience could set off a deep transformation. Please just make sure you have a support system and that you have informed them about your decision to cleanse!
If you have any questions or comments please place them here so that everyone can benefit from the discussion ;)