People have started labeling the US as a Pill-Popping Culture where people numb themselves by taking pills that simply cover the symptoms of illnesses rather than the roots. Naturalists are often heard also citing the detrimental effects of taking pills and rather take herbal supplements. I agree that utilizing plants to improve our health is a step in the right direction. I myself have been taking Ashwaganda daily for over a year and found that it helps me immensely.
However, even herbal supplements do not cure the root problem … they just help mask the symptoms. I personally agree with Dr. Edward Bach that physical illness can pretty much always be attributed to stuck emotions and an individual not flowing with the universe and their passion in life.
So how should we use the vibrant nature around us to aid in our process to well-being? First of all spending time with and around plants is a great way to start… just gently touching flowers, leaves, bark puts us back in contact with life and good quality oxygen. If you have specific issues you are dealing with, using essential oils, supplements to calm you like ashwaganda, lemon balm, lavender, and Flower Essences can put you in a state of mind that allows you to begin the DEEPER WORK of FINDING YOUR TRUTH. But, don’t use them as an eternal crutch that you NEED to feel calm, focused and content. Use them as a tool to achieve a state of calm that you can sit with, feel and begin to cultivate without external substances. Simply by being quite for a few minutes a day and becoming mindful of your habits and patterns you will begin to create new neural connections, find an internal peace. Internal Peace + following your Passion (Life’s Purpose) can cure any ailment… including stabilize hormones, get the nutrients and minerals you need from the food you already eat, eliminate IBS and more.
So don’t get overwhelmed! Keep using your essential oil diffuser and taking your supplements but add a few minutes every day of sitting with yourself and figuring out how you most easily find internal peace (everyone is different) – EXPERIMENT! And if you come up against a wall or even have trouble starting ASK FOR HELP… ask the Universe, God, friends, anyone and everyone… if you start asking people how they find peace, what they do in difficult moments you will find yourself surrounded by teachers.