I found out about floral essences at a time when I was beginning to come out of a several year slump – where essentially everything was out of balance. As soon as I began reading Bach’s ideas I felt a strong coherence with what I was experiencing in my own life. The more I focused on my illness and read about causes and tried ways to cure myself the worse I felt. When I finally gave in, accepted how my body felt and choose to take a huge leap of faith and change everything anyway I felt a shift – like a clearing of the space around me to open new doors.
Bach asserted that the most important factor in an illness is not the nature of the disease but the attitude of the person. Thus, it becomes absolutely essential to reestablish mental and emotional harmony, which will then trickle into an integral harmony of mind, body and soul.
I began consuming floral essences about 8 months ago and felt a difference within about a month. When I stopped taking them for about a month while visiting family over the holidays I found that disagreeable character traits that I had been working to diminish began appearing again and I felt less harmonic vibrations in my day-to-day ventures. The main function of the floral essences is to aid in generating the opposite virtue to the character trait that creating the emotional imbalance. For example, one may be given Mimulus when they are afraid to confront daily challenges like pain, poverty, illness, travel, etc. Or one that I needed dearly was Impatiens – I wanted everything to happen quickly and everyone to react quickly. The vibration of this floral essence acts to produce patience, empathy and increase tolerance for pain.
I change which flowers I am taking bimonthly as life situations and my moods change. I feel like they help me be more in touch with the real ME rather than what external situations and my ego create in me. I absolutely suggest to anyone looking to improve their quality of life to try floral essences – there are absolutely no negative side effects and the positive benefits can be unexpectedly amazing!