Then today I woke up and again was not feeling so inspired to go out and play and I began searching for ways to play and then of course realized that it kind of defeats the purpose if I look at it like a job... So I just took one thing at a time and realized I was falling into normal patterns of relaxing, yes, of doing things I like yes, but I was still not playing, but rather focusing on the serious things I need to do (meditate, do yoga, think about my work, etc) and not allowing the lightness of life to float along with me through my day. So I thought back on my toolbox and as I was walking the beach back for lunch I saw a huge trunk in the wash with tons of branches. I looked around for 2 sturdy sticks and began ¨playing¨ my new found instrument ... creativity flowed and my ears were having fun distinguishing between how each individual branch sounded against my attempts to bang them with any sort of rhythm (I was not naturally gifted musically). But it didn´t matter because I was alone on the beach and just banging away like a kid with a new drum set.
So thus far, I feel like I need to truly set the intention in my day to play and then just let it go without taking it too seriously: give it a try. Tomorrow simply set the intention at the beginning of your day to play and then let it go.