If we are all unified regardless of color, nationality, mental capacity, etc. then what happens when we pull with versus against the flow of all other beings?? When we think thoughts that a co-worker is useless or I hope that person fails and feels miserable because of something they just did to me... or when we dream up something we would like to manifest without considering the consequences to those we love or all other beings, what are we doing? In these cases it is as if one is choosing to go far off to the right when the rest of the pack is headed straight. I imagine the Universe as the Alpha sending subtle guiding messages to the rest of the team. And, when all chose to put their force into that direction, all arrive at their destination faster and easier.
I am not claiming that you should not dream... quite the opposite actually. When we imagine ourselves for example offering life coaching to those who may need guidance in life and put a lot of energy into manifesting the dream to make our living from this activity, we are in fact sparking an impulse in the whole team to move towards a healthier and more passionate way of living.
THUS, dream, imagine, manifest... always keeping in mind that there is an alpha gently guiding the way that demonstrates us where our energies are best spent and how... if we chose to follow the way is of course our choice but remember each dog is still on its own path and leaving its own footprints ;)